Entered Information
Student Name: Oliver E
Grade: 12
Title: My Greenhouse
Description: This piece is a functional lidded form with emphasis on surface design. The student used slab construction, additive and reductive surface design techniques and underglazes to create realistic imagery of a specific place. The student's project statement is: "This piece represents me and parts of my life. I reference several of my past artworks including paintings, prints, and other ceramic pieces that I have done. The plush frog that is on the bed is a staple in my ceramic pieces."
Dimensions: (L)7 x (W)7 x (H)7 (Inches)
Weight: 4 Lbs.
School: Lawrence High School - Lawrence, MA
Teacher: Emily Markoulatos
Exhibition: The 27th Annual National K-12 Ceramic Exhibition

Additional Work Info
Clay Vendor: Other, Cone 5 Buff from Brackers Good Earth Clay, Lawrence, KS
Wheel Vendor: brent
Tool Vendor: Unknown
Glaze Vendor: Amaco
Kiln Vendor: Unknown
Firing Temp: Low Stoneware, Cone 5
Atmosphere: Unknown
Cone Number:
Entry Photos